
"Well, would you believe me if I said that he and I were each other’s strongest rivals?"

When Chen Yi said this, Zhang Haoxian felt that Chen Yi was lost in memories and his eyes were full of nostalgia for the past.
"I believe"
Zhang Hao didn’t witness the glory of Chen Yi’s time, but from the terrible understanding of Chen Yi to the game, Zhang Hao believed that Chen Yi was also a star in the competition.
"This time, I went to the Three Kingdoms to go to their team for a few days to arrange tactical guidance team training. After all, it is our glory. I think"
"Chen Shen, you go. This should be."
Zhang Hao’s eyes reveal firmness. Although they are opponents at ordinary times, at this time, everyone’s eyes should abandon prejudice, so there is a team engraved, that is, the Premier League team.
A team representing China to fight in the world.
"Well, God Chen, you’d better go."
Erhong and Gao Chengfeng also changed their attitudes. At first, they were also writing by chance. They were so anxious that they didn’t understand Chen Yi’s words, so they tried to keep them. Now it’s funny to think about it.
"Well, I didn’t expect you to react so much."
Chen Yi muttered something in his heart and couldn’t say how moved he was.
And Zhang Hao has come up with the mid-season information, which should be the Ministry of the Three Kingdoms, which is very detailed.
Competition bonus
In the previous Star Tournament, the winner can get a prize of $5, but in this mid-season invitational tournament, the participating teams set up a prize pool.
The winner of the mid-season invitational tournament in 2015 will receive a reward of $1, the second team will receive a reward of $5, and the third and fourth teams will receive $25.
Entry array requirements
Each team needs a substitute, which is to prevent the appearance of players by law. If this happens, the team can continue to play without punishment.
A team with multiple substitutes can bring a substitute in the mid-season invitational tournament. This policy is a concession for those who have multiple substitutes in the reserve team. The solution is how long the team can replace the substitute in the decisive competition and give full play to its tactical advantage. With the professionalization of the competition, many competition areas have officially admitted that coaching is mandatory for coaches in the next competition, and it is necessary to invite coaches before the mid-season invitational tournament. No coach can be assigned to the team manager.
Personnel adjustment on the same day
A potential means to gain an advantage. In a multi-game game, the team can inform the referee before a game that the decision to change players should be no more than 5 minutes away from the explosion of the base just after the game.
Players or teams hold equipment.
During this competition, we will keep the peripherals and equipment of the audited players to ensure the fairness of the competition. The peripherals need to be sent to the mid-season invitational tournament for approval in advance.
During the whole course of the tournament, the official of the mid-season invitational tournament will keep these peripherals, which are not allowed to compete improperly without permission or recognition, so that players will be required to make the equipment of the competitors compete.
Players’ coaching clothes
All players and coaches must wear closed shoes. All players should wear uniform coats. If a player wants to wear a jacket, other players in his team must also wear jackets and pants with similar colors, and sports style pants need to be approved by the competitors in advance.
Coaches must wear business and leisure clothes, not including sports shoes with team signs, such as teams and so on.
group match
In the group stage, each team will play the bo1 round robin with other teams, and the selection of the side is random. Some teams will draw the blue side three times, while others will have two times, but none of them will appear on the same side more than three times.
The invitational tournament will take 57 competitions with changes of the organizers.
Banpik stage
We have seen that in lol, the banpik stage has a great influence in a game, and the coach has a strategic influence in the competition area, so the coach will allow the competition and exchange players in the banpik stage, and the coach will quit after the hero exchange stage for 5 seconds.
Communication between players during game suspension period
In order to ensure the fairness of all participating teams, players are not allowed to communicate during the game suspension stage to avoid doubts. Players can communicate with the referee, but only to understand the reasons for the suspension and such remedies.
If the timeout lasts long enough, the referee may allow the team to discuss the game before the game is cancelled.
Looking at these detailed regulations, Zhang Hao knows what the Three Kingdoms team wants to invite Chen Yi. Now the coaching office is really too big. Maybe they don’t have the agility and excellent skills as the players.
However, their understanding of the stadium, their understanding of the enemy and their keen sense of smell for tactics are unmatched by players.
This is also an era when coaches walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and more coaches kept appearing in people’s field of vision. When the team played brilliant tactics again and again, it was a time when people were full of praise.
Many situations are planned by a powerful coach. It can be said that a coach is the soul of a team, and the strength of a soul will directly determine the height of the team.
Lk is a fresh example.
"Then it’s agreed that I will be away for about a week later, but I will contact you through the phone and the Internet, hoping that you will continue to keep your daily routine and normal training."
"Don’t worry, Chen Shen is no problem."
"Well, Zhang Hao believes that you can lead a good team to refuel."
"mutual encouragement"
At this moment, lk’s expectations for the future are getting higher and higher. What is the distance?
Nobody knows.
Chapter 614 Zhang Hao state problem.
"The horse will meet several strong teams, and now I can’t figure out who is good at fighting wild heroes."
Every day after the training match, Zhang Hao will complain to Chen Yi again at this moment.
"What’s the matter?"
Chen Yi also noticed the changes in Zhang Hao. It seems that the interest is not very high
"I can’t find the status recently."
"I see."
Chen Yi also understands that there will always be a period of slippery state for professional players. This period is a nightmare for professional players, and their consciousness is low. Many exercises that were easy to achieve in the past will also become unconfident.
This is a very mysterious psychological process, and Chen Yi also knows that too many gods adjust when they can’t after slipping, and finally gradually fall into the altar.
However, many people can’t find a way to recover their state, and finally let their state continue to drag down, which makes it difficult for them to return to their glorious period.
"There is no confidence."
Chen Yi knows that in most cases, professional players will have no feeling for their own output for a short time, and that confidence for a familiar hero is no longer a very tormenting thing.
"Well, it’s best to feel that no hero can hurt."
Zhang Hao knows that after such a long period of time, his state has finally reached a bottleneck stage, and it is a fatal stage. At the moment of Premier League, when the team is in the promotion stage, it is also the time when all the situations turn for the better.
So Zhang Hao is getting more and more bored at the moment, but he can’t find his own rhythm. Just now, the training match was also a mess, and Zhang Hao was upset by being beaten by passers-by
"I haven’t seen a hero before trying."
Chen Yi made his own suggestions on the situation in Zhang Hao.
"What tried not to be a hero?"