
Yaoguangxing himself knows that it’s not easy to keep the main position, and he doesn’t dare to be careless all the time. He works hard when training, and his strength has been rising. It’s not easy for Yuhengxing and Yangxing to beat him.

I club people trained for a while, and Ye Qing felt a little sore in his neck, so he took off his headphones and twisted his neck a few times. He was just about to walk outside the training room when he saw Zhao Junzhu come in and said that someone had come to report outside.
Ye Qing guessed that the thief came, so he went out with Zhao Junzhu. At the front desk, he saw a young man wearing a backpack and a cap. Some hip-hop people dressed up. When Ye Qing and Zhao Junzhu came out, they quickly said, "Hello, I’m here to report. I’m a thief."
"Hello, I’m the general manager of the club and the captain of the team. My name is Ye Qing. Let’s go and talk in the conference room." Ye Qing said kindly to the thief and then patted him on the shoulder and led him to the conference room.
Thief is a little flattered, but after all, he is a hipster with an extroverted personality, and he is not nervous at all and is still looking around.
After observing the renovation of club I, he felt at ease that the strength of this club was very good, regardless of the strength of playing games. Anyway, there must be money in the background, otherwise it would be impossible to decorate it so well
When passing by the training room, Ye Qing also introduced him to the function of a training room, and then let him feel the training of a team at the door. This guy has never seen professional players training and is quite curious.
Ye Qing patted him on the back and said, "Let’s watch it later. Let’s go to the conference room first. We need to talk."
Thief nodded and walked into the conference room with Ye Qing. Ye Qing knocked on the table, which was very straightforward. "Can you tell me if you are ready to become a professional player?"
Thief nodded. "Of course, I’m ready at any time."
"That’s good. First of all, I don’t like giving up halfway. The rookie contract is to be signed for one year. Once the contract is signed, you have to stay in the team for one year. If you want to leave, there is no way. After one year, if you still want to leave, I won’t stop you, ok?" Leaf tilt is very serious tunnel
Thief decisively tunnel "don’t worry, being a professional player is my dream, how can I give up easily?" It is not easy to become a professional player. I feel very lucky. I will cherish this opportunity and I am a nostalgic person. Once I like it here, I will not leave after one year. "
"That’s good. So what’s your expected salary?" Ye Qing asked, this is a question that all hiring interviewers will ask. This question is very skillful and asks you what your expected salary is, instead of giving a salary directly and asking if you can accept it.
The reason for doing this is what if your own bid is lower than the price he thought? Then he will save it! Especially for those college students who have just graduated without work experience, who dare to shout for high wages in their first salary?
Thief is also a rookie. Where can I know the market of professional players? I am afraid that the other party will not sign for him if it is too high. I hesitated for a long time before tentatively saying a number, "What do you think of two thousand dollars?"
Two thousand dollars is relatively low for the current market, but it’s still good for the rookie. Seeing that this guy’s price is not high or low, he is too lazy to bargain any more, so he nodded and said, "Let’s say something else in that line!"
Chapter 964 Abuse of gas
Thief didn’t have a high price, but the price was not low. Fortunately, it didn’t exceed Ye Qing’s psychological price. He felt that Thief’s strength and potential were also worth the price. Instead of arguing about the price, he talked about other things.
He looked at the thief with a very serious expression and said, "You are still a rookie, and you may play as a substitute for the time being."
Ye Qing’s words haven’t finished yet. The thief has changed his face and got up very excitedly. "What! ? Playing as a substitute Then forget it. I came to your team to play the main force. I have boasted to my friends. It is too incompetent for you to let me play as a substitute! "
"Overqualified? You think you’re strong, don’t you? Do you know what a professional player is? To tell you the truth, I like you not because of your current strength, but because of your potential. Your current strength can’t be selected by a professional team in the first round of the draft, and at least you have to go in the third round. You ranked seventh in the first round not because you are strong enough, but because I didn’t want to choose a main force, because the team’s main force is one person short. "Ye Qing looked at the thief with contempt and said rudely."
Thief suddenly flew into a rage, all of them were young people. Naturally, they were angry, but they were not wronged. He took off his hat and threw it at the table. "Choose a substitute?" You told me earlier, let the old man run for nothing when the waves are on! "
With that, the thief grabbed his hat and walked outside the conference room. Ye Qing sneered, "It’s gone?" Are you angry when I say that you can’t play the main force now? Dare to fight with me? Or you choose a person in our team to fight with you, so that you can win the main position is you! If you beat me, you will be the captain. "
The young thief is of course quite angry in his heart. When Ye Qing said this, he immediately turned around and said, "Well, it’s a date! I’ll always fight you! If you lose, don’t deny it! "
Ye Qing laughed. "You underestimate the strength of professional players. I don’t know much about it. I’ll teach you a lesson. Let’s go to the training room!"
Ye Qing got up and took the lead in walking out of the training room. The thief quickly followed him. He was quite angry in his heart. He really didn’t know much about the strength of professional players, but he felt that his strength would definitely not be worse than that of professional players.
He had never paid attention to a professional competition before, but he came to the draft only after seeing the announcement in the game. He heard that professional players can get paid and can play F, which attracted him very much.
After entering the training room, Ye Qing asked the thief to sit in front of Yu Na’s computer without introducing it to others. He sat in his position and said to the thief, "Come on, get into the game. We will make a map in a password room on channel 1 of Master Camp. You can choose!"
Thief didn’t talk, hit his brain with a sullen face, and then entered the game to find Ye Qing’s password room. After typing, he said, "Just hit the desert for 1d, bar owners Road, no thunder, no smoke, no flash, no shelter. Dare you just shoot?"
"As you wish!" Ye Qing typed
The two men appeared in the main road almost at the same time, and they shot the thief twice. Generally speaking, when they were killed for the first time, they felt that the other party was lucky, and so did the thief. He was not discouraged at all and rushed out immediately after his resurrection.
After entering the main road, he was shot three times and then shot in the head by Ye Qing, who seemed to be completely unharmed. The posture was more flexible than it was difficult to judge the moving trajectory method. The thief finally felt the pressure, but he still felt that he still had hope to win. He had just lost the gun in the main road in the Internet cafe before.
The third time I entered the main road, Ye Tilting was still almost over the flash, and I couldn’t judge the trajectory. The thief stared sharply at the spirit in the middle of the screen and fired some shots, but the bullet seemed to hit the air and didn’t hurt Ye Tiling, which annoyed Ye Tiling, but he didn’t die once. It would be a shame if he didn’t die once.
Ye Qing, like a statue of Buddha, did not stand up when he made some shots. Instead, he didn’t last long and his head was exploded. After entering the main road for the fourth time, his posture became faster and the rhythm of some shots became slower, but Ye Qing still found his flaw and killed him after a few shots.
The thief held his breath and continued to rush out and shoot some crazily, but the more anxious he was, the more he couldn’t kill Ye Qing. At last, Ye Qing’s fire unicorn played all the bullets, but he wasn’t killed yet. Ye Qing had to pick him up after killing the thief, and then m4 continued to fight.
Ye Qing has always made ak47 barely pass m4, but his m4 marksmanship is still very good, so the thief can’t be turned over. In the end, the thief chose to give up very naively. He was already desperate. Ye Qing simply defeated the law and continued to fight, just looking for abuse.
He took off his headphones and was very single. "If you don’t fight, you win and I’ll go!"
Leaf sneer at a "it’s gone? Now you know the gap between your strength and professional players, right? Do you think you are qualified to play the main force? "
"I admit that I can’t beat you. I admit that I think too much of myself, but I still don’t want to be a substitute. I’d rather be an amateur and I’m ashamed enough here. Why should I stay and continue to be ashamed? I’m leaving. Bye! " Thief picked up his backpack and was about to leave.
Ye Qing immediately got up and said, "I won’t let you leave easily when I choose you. Can you hear me out?"
The thief hesitated for a moment and then said, "Okay, you say it."
Ye Qing sighed, "You are too impatient. If losing is a shame, then everyone here has lost someone. In fact, winning or losing is a common thing for military strategists. Everyone has to win back once when they lose. You are a rookie as a substitute for the time being. Our team will have an assessment once a month. If you are strong enough, you can become the main force through the assessment. Of course, if you think you can’t help Dou, then you can go!"
Hearing this, Thief felt a little ashamed and his face was burning. He hesitated for a moment and then said, "I believe it should not be a problem for me to train hard and pass the examination. I have this confidence, but my strength is so far behind yours that I don’t know when I can catch up with you!"
Ye Qing couldn’t help smiling when he heard this. He walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder. "You have a big gap with me, but the gap with them is not that big. Besides, I said that you are a player with great potential. I chose you to see your potential. If you are willing to work hard, someone will give you advice, and your progress will be quite fast. It’s not a problem! Of course, they won’t slack off and won’t let you chase them easily. You must redouble your efforts! "
"This is no problem. I will definitely redouble my efforts. Who will give me advice?" Thief confused tunnel he wondered whether the team has a coach class.
Ye Qing pointed to himself and said, "I can show you. Don’t you think I’m not qualified?"
The thief suddenly realized that he was overjoyed and said, "Of course you are qualified to completely explode me. Your posture and marksmanship are superb!"
"Then it’s a date! Later, I will draw up a rookie contract and print it out, and then you can just sign it. There are also some precautions and team discipline. I will ask Zhao Junzhu at the front desk to tell you that you can train freely now. This is different from your usual game entertainment. You are no longer killing time, not entertainment, but to improve your strength. You must be precise. "Ye Qing is very serious and authentic.
The thief nodded, then put his backpack back to his seat. Ye Qing suddenly felt that there was still one thing to do. "By the way, I don’t know your name yet. I know that your id is a thief. Please introduce yourself."
Thief immediately got up a little embarrassedly. Pearl Krabs and others immediately turned their attention to him. To tell the truth, this guy is still very handsome and dressed up. When it comes, he also wears a pair of black sunglasses, which is quite cool.
Although Zhao Xiayang also wears sunglasses, the two people feel incomparable when they wear them. The thief is so cool and handsome when he wears it, but Zhao Xiayang looks like a blind man when he wears it.
The main reason for this difference is that Zhao Xiayang’s sunglasses are ugly, while Thief’s sunglasses are very popular. People wearing black super sunglasses can be in a flash. On pretending to be cool, Thief can simply dump Zhao Xiayang for several streets.
"Hello, everyone. My name is Wu Zhe. When I was studying, my classmates liked to call me Squid House. My game id simply took a thief, which is also a homonym. I hope everyone can take more photos!" The thief waved to everyone and didn’t get stage fright.
Chapter 965 Three smokers
After Wu Zhe introduced himself, Ye Qing introduced Pearl Krabs and others one by one. Except Zhao Xiayang ordered a head, everyone else said "hello" enthusiastically.
After the introduction, Ye Qing arranged for the others to devote themselves to the training and let Wu Zhe practice freely. He was worried that Wu Zhe had no direction in practice, so he put the mouse behind Wu Zhe to give directions personally.
Wu Zhe was flattered and hurriedly thanked Ye Qing, who smiled and motioned for him to continue practicing guns. What’s wrong with him? He would give him out. Wu Zhe then practiced guns with confidence and boldness. He was really angry with Ye Qing and had no chance of winning the gun with Ye Qing. Ye Qing’s leaning method and marksmanship all opened his eyes.
During Wu Zhe’s gun practice, Ye Qing did point out many shortcomings for him, and then he taught him some skills and some experience, which benefited Wu Zhe a lot. He couldn’t help but regret his attitude towards Ye Qing and felt ashamed at the same time.
Ye Qing gave directions behind Wu Zhe for half an hour, and he also returned to his position to sit down and train. He can’t let himself be so idle and must work harder. He knows that he still has many opponents to beat, and those opponents will definitely not wait for him to catch up.
At noon, Wu Zhe also received a box lunch. He was surprised to see the food inside Wu Zhe. He didn’t expect the team box lunch to be so rich and the sample grade was not low. He was very happy to feel that he had chosen correctly.
After eating lunch, Ye Qing immediately threw himself into the training again. Because of the assessment, the rest of the people dared not rest, and they followed Ye Qing to train, even Zhao xia yang and Thomas.
Wu Zhe is familiar with the structure of a club in Zhao Jun bamboo belt and then gives him some precautions in the future, such as team discipline, such as asking for leave, how much will be deducted for being late, and so on.
There is no doubt that Zhao Junzhu is a beautiful woman. Although she is not as outstanding as Pearl Krabs, she is still a beautiful woman, and she is the kind of pure girl that people will never forget at first sight. Zhao Junzhu can be a receptionist and say that she not only has a good image but also has a good voice.
Wu Zhe fell in love with Zhao Junzhu almost instantly. He just broke up with his girlfriend for more than a month and immediately started to pursue Zhao Junzhu. But when he tentatively asked Zhao Junzhu if he had a boyfriend, Zhao Junzhu nodded decisively to show that he already had a boyfriend.